
Simple mercurial syncing


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Ever had to keep two mercurial repositories on different machines in sync? Mercurials push & pull help to make this fairly easy, but if you make use of mercurial queues or the histedit extension then it can quickly become tedious. That’s where synchg comes in.

Synchg intends to make syncing two mercurial repositories as simple as possible. Simply run a command, and synchg will take care of the rest.


Python 2.7 & Mercurial 2.3 are recommended, though others will probably work.

Synchg depends on these python packages:

It also requires:


Synchg and it’s python dependencies can be installed via pip:

$ pip install synchg

Using SyncHg

Before using synchg on a repository you should ensure that your environment is set up correctly. If you intend to use mq patches with synchg, then you should run hg init --mq on each local repository before you attempt to use it with synchg.

It’s recommended that you use synchg to make the initial clone to your remote machine. This way it can take steps to add necessary settings to the local repository. However, if you wish to use synchg with an existing clone of your repository, then read the section below entitled Using With Existing Clones.

Running The Script

The synchg script should be run from the command line:

$ synchg remote_host [local_path=None]

Where remote_host is the host you wish to sync with and local_path is the optional path to the local mercurial repository (if missing, the current directory will be assumed)

Information on more options can be found by running:

$ synchg --help


Synchg regards remote repositories as “slaves” and will strip out any changesets it finds that are not in the local repository. You will be prompted before this happens, but the script will be unable to continue if you don’t answer yes.


On first run of synchg you will be prompted with some configuration options:

Remote source directory
This is the path on the remote under which all your repositories should be found. For example, if you have repositories at /repo/one/ and /repo/two/ then you would set this to /repo/

If you want to change the configuration of synchg, then simply run synchg -c to run the config process again.

Using With Existing Clones

Though it’s recommended that you allow synchg to perform the initial clone of a repository, it is possible to use it with existing clones. You simply need to make sure that the remote repository is listed as a remote in the .hgrc for your local repository. The remote should be named using the hostname of the remote machine.

If you intend to use mq patches, this will also need to be done with the mq repository.

SyncHg API

Synchg also exposes a simple python API that can be used to integrate synchg functionality into other python projects such as build scripts.

The SyncHg ReferenceAPI can be used easily, simply by calling the synchg.sync.SyncRemote() function. For example:

Syncing Utilities (synchg.sync)

This module provides the actual syncing functionality for SyncHg. It’s functions can be called by imported and called by other libraries if they wish to make use of SyncHg functionality.

exception synchg.sync.AbortException[source]

An exception that’s thrown when a user chooses to abort. This should be caught and ignored at the start of the program to allow users to abort at prompts

exception synchg.sync.SyncError[source]

An exception that’s thrown when a non-exceptional error occurs. This exception is usually accompanied by an error message and should probably be caught and the backtrace suppressed.

synchg.sync.SyncRemote(host, name, localpath, remote_root)[source]

Syncs a remote repository. This function should be called to kick off a sync

  • host – The hostname of the remote repository
  • name – The name of the project that is being synced. This parameter will be appended to the remote_root to find the remote repository.
  • localpath – A plumbum path to the local repository
  • remote_root – The path to the parent directory of the remote repository

Repository Control (synchg.repo)

class synchg.repo.Repo(machine, remote=None)[source]

This class provides an abstraction around running commands on a mercurial repository. It can be used against either a local or remote repository depending on the machine parameter to the constructor.

  • machine – The plumbum machine object to use (can be a local machine or remote machine)
  • remote – The name of the remote repo to be used by push, pull and other operations.
class ChangesetInfo

ChangesetInfo(hash, desc)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

Repo.CleanMq(*args, **kwds)[source]

Returns a context manager that keeps the mq repository clean for it’s lifetime


Clones the repository to a different location

  • destination – The destination clone path
  • remoteName – If set a remote will be created with this name
class Repo.CommitChangeInfo

CommitChangeInfo(modified, unknown)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Commits the mq repository

Parameters:msg – An optional commit message
class Repo.MqAppliedInfo

MqAppliedInfo(applied, unapplied)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Pops mq patch(es)

Parameters:patch – Name of the patch to pop to. If None, all will be popped

Pushes the mq repo to the remote at self.remote


Pushes mq patch(es)

Parameters:patch – Name of the patch to push to. If None, all will be pushed

Pushes to the remote repository at self.remote


Refreshes the current mq patch


Strips changesets from this repository

Parameters:changesets – A list of ChangesetInfo representing the changesets to strip
class Repo.SummaryInfo

SummaryInfo(commit, mq)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Updates to a specific changeset

Parameters:changeset – A changeset hash string, or ChangesetInfo representing the changeset to update to

Updates the mq repository to tip


Gets the current branch This property is cached, so it may be out of date

Returns:A string containing the current branch name

Gets the current revision This property is cached, so it may be out of date

Returns:A string containing the current revision hash

Gets the incoming changesets from self.remote

Returns:A list containing ChangesetInfo that represent the current incoming changesets

Gets the last applied mq patch (if there is one)

Returns:A single mq patch name (or None)

Gets the outgoing changesets to self.remote

Returns:A list containing ChangesetInfo that represent the current outgoing changesets

Gets info from hg summary

Returns:A SummaryInfo containing CommitChangeInfo & MqAppliedInfo
