
Simple mercurial syncing


Source code for synchg.repo

import re
import functools
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from contextlib import contextmanager
from plumbum import ProcessExecutionError

__all__ = ['Repo']

[docs]class Repo(object): ''' This class provides an abstraction around running commands on a mercurial repository. It can be used against either a local or remote repository depending on the ``machine`` parameter to the constructor. ''' SummaryInfo = namedtuple('SummaryInfo', ['commit', 'mq']) CommitChangeInfo = namedtuple( 'CommitChangeInfo', ['modified', 'unknown'] ) MqAppliedInfo = namedtuple('MqAppliedInfo', ['applied', 'unapplied']) # Template Parameter for hg log-style commands HgTemplateParam = '{node}\\t{desc|firstline}\\n' # Contains details of a changeset ChangesetInfo = namedtuple('ChangesetInfo', ['hash', 'desc']) ChangesetInfoRegexp = re.compile(r'^(?P<hash>\w+)\t(?P<desc>.*)$') # Should be set to true during tests. Testing = False def __init__(self, machine, remote=None): ''' :param machine: The plumbum machine object to use (can be a local machine or remote machine) :param remote: The name of the remote repo to be used by push, pull and other operations. ''' self.machine = machine self.hg = self.machine['hg'] self.remote = remote try: self._path = copy.copy(self.machine.cwd) except: # This excepts during testing, so ignore it if self.Testing: self._path = self.machine.cwd else: raise self._currentRev = self._branch = None self.prevLevel = None self._config = self._mqconfig = None @contextmanager
[docs] def CleanMq(self): ''' Returns a context manager that keeps the mq repository clean for it's lifetime ''' revertTo = self.lastAppliedPatch self.PopPatch() yield if revertTo: self.PushPatch(revertTo)
def _CleanMq(func): ''' Decorator that ensures a function is always run with no patches applied Should only be applied on Repo methods :params func: The function to decorate ''' @functools.wraps(func) def InnerFunc(self, *pargs): with self.CleanMq(): return func(self, *pargs) return InnerFunc @property
[docs] def summary(self): ''' Gets info from hg summary :return: A :class:`SummaryInfo` containing :class:`CommitChangeInfo` & :class:`MqAppliedInfo` ''' commitData = Repo.CommitChangeInfo(0, 0) mqData = Repo.MqAppliedInfo(0, 0) commitRegexp = re.compile( r'^commit:\s+((\d+) modified(, (\d+) unknown)?)?' ) mqRegexp = re.compile( r'^mq:\s+((\d+) applied,?\s*)?((\d+) unapplied)?' ) lines = self.hg('summary').splitlines() for line in lines: match = line ) if match: commitData = Repo.CommitChangeInfo( int( or 0), int( or 0) ) match = line ) if match: mqData = Repo.MqAppliedInfo( int( or 0), int( or 0) ) return Repo.SummaryInfo(commitData, mqData)
[docs] def currentRev(self): ''' Gets the current revision This property is cached, so it may be out of date :returns: A string containing the current revision hash ''' if not self._currentRev: self._CheckCurrentRev() return self._currentRev
[docs] def branch(self): ''' Gets the current branch This property is cached, so it may be out of date :returns: A string containing the current branch name ''' if not self._branch: self._CheckCurrentRev() return self._branch
[docs] def config(self): ''' Gets the configuration for this repository :returns: A ``RepoConfig`` class ''' if not self._config: self._config = RepoConfig(self._path) return self._config
[docs] def mqconfig(self): ''' Gets the configuration for the mq repository :returns A ``RepoConfig`` class ''' if not self._mqconfig: self._mqconfig = RepoConfig(self._path / '.hg' / 'patches') return self._mqconfig
@_CleanMq def _CheckCurrentRev( self ): ''' Gets the current revision and branch and stores it ''' revMatch = r'^(\w{12})\+?\s+(.*)\s*$', self.hg('id', '-i', '-b') ) if revMatch is None: raise Exception("Could not get current revision using hg id") self._currentRev, self._branch =, 2) def _RunListCommand(self, command, headerLines=0): ''' Runs an hg command that gets a list (outgoing, incoming etc.) :param command: The plumbum command object to run :param headerLines: The number of lines to chop off the top of the output ''' try: lines = command().splitlines() if headerLines == 0: return lines if len(lines) < headerLines: raise Exception("Unexpected number of lines from hg command") return lines[headerLines:] except ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.retcode != 1: # retcode of 1 just means there's nothing in the list, # so ignore it raise return [] def _GetChangesetInfoList(self, *pargs, **kwargs): ''' Utility function that calls _RunListCommand and filters the results through ChangesetInfoRegexp :returns: A list of :class:`ChangesetInfo` ''' lines = self._RunListCommand(*pargs, **kwargs) matches = (self.ChangesetInfoRegexp.match(line) for line in lines) return [self.ChangesetInfo(**match.groupdict()) for match in matches if match] @property @_CleanMq
[docs] def outgoings(self): ''' Gets the outgoing changesets to `self.remote` :returns: A list containing :class:`ChangesetInfo` that represent the current outgoing changesets ''' assert self.remote return self._GetChangesetInfoList( self.hg[ 'outgoing', '-b', self.branch, '-r', self.currentRev, '--template', self.HgTemplateParam, self.remote ], headerLines=2 )
@property @_CleanMq
[docs] def incomings(self): ''' Gets the incoming changesets from `self.remote` :returns: A list containing :class:`ChangesetInfo` that represent the current incoming changesets ''' assert self.remote return self._GetChangesetInfoList( self.hg[ 'incoming', '-b', self.branch, '--template', self.HgTemplateParam, self.remote ], headerLines=2 )
[docs] def lastAppliedPatch(self): ''' Gets the last applied mq patch (if there is one) :returns: A single mq patch name (or None) ''' try: return self.hg('qtop').strip() except ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.retcode not in [1, 255]: # 1 means no patches # 255 means mq is probably disabled raise return None
[docs] def PushToRemote(self): ''' Pushes to the remote repository at `self.remote`''' assert self.remote self.hg('push', '-b', self.branch, '-r', self.currentRev, self.remote)
[docs] def PushMqToRemote(self): ''' Pushes the mq repo to the remote at `self.remote` ''' assert self.remote try: self.hg('push', '--mq', self.remote) except ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.retcode != 1: #1 just means there's no outgoings raise
[docs] def PopPatch(self, patch=None): ''' Pops mq patch(es) :param patch: Name of the patch to pop to. If None, all will be popped ''' # Check there are some patches applied level = self.lastAppliedPatch if level: if patch is None: patch = '-a' self.hg('qpop', patch)
[docs] def PushPatch(self, patch=None): ''' Pushes mq patch(es) :param patch: Name of the patch to push to. If None, all will be pushed ''' if patch is None: patch = '-a' self.hg('qpush', patch)
[docs] def Strip(self, changesets): ''' Strips changesets from this repository :param changesets: A list of :class:`ChangesetInfo` representing the changesets to strip ''' self.hg('strip', *[cs.hash for cs in changesets])
[docs] def Update(self, changeset): ''' Updates to a specific changeset :param changeset: A changeset hash string, or :class:`ChangesetInfo` representing the changeset to update to ''' if isinstance(changeset, self.ChangesetInfo): changeset = changeset.hash self.hg('update', changeset)
[docs] def UpdateMq(self): ''' Updates the mq repository to tip ''' self.hg('update', '--mq')
[docs] def RefreshMq(self): ''' Refreshes the current mq patch ''' self.hg('qrefresh')
[docs] def CommitMq(self, msg=None): ''' Commits the mq repository :param msg: An optional commit message ''' if not msg: msg = 'synchg-commit' try: self.hg('commit', '--mq', '-m', msg) except ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.retcode != 1: #1 just means there's no changes raise
[docs] def InitMq(self): ''' Initialises the mq repository ''' self.hg('init', '--mq')
[docs] def Clone(self, destination, createRemote=True): ''' Clones the repository to a different location :param destination: The destination clone path :param createRemote: If set a remote will be created in the local hgrc with the name the class was initialised with. ''' remoteName = self.remote if createRemote else None self._DoClone(self.config, destination, remoteName) patches = self._path / '.hg' / 'patches' if patches.exists(): self.CloneMq(destination, createRemote)
[docs] def CloneMq(self, destination, createRemote=True): ''' Clones the mq repository to a different location :param destination: The destination path to the top-level remote repository. NOT the remote mq repository :param createRemote: If set, a remote will be created in the local mq hgrc with the name the class was initialised with ''' remoteName = self.remote if createRemote else None patches_path = self._path / '.hg' / 'patches' destination = destination + '/.hg/patches' with self.machine.cwd(patches_path): self._DoClone(self.mqconfig, destination, remoteName)
def _DoClone(self, config, destination, remoteName): ''' Actually performs a clone operation :param config: A configuration object to update :param destination: The destination clone path :param remoteName: The name of the remote to create (if any) ''' self.hg('clone', '.', destination) if remoteName: config.AddRemote(remoteName, destination)
class RepoConfig(object): ''' This class provides an abstraction around repository configuration files ''' def __init__(self, path): ''' :param path: Plumbum path to the repository ''' self._config = ConfigParser() self._path = path / '.hg' / 'hgrc' if self._path.exists(): self._config.readfp( else: self._config.add_section('paths') def AddRemote(self, name, destination): ''' Adds a remote to the config, or overwrites if it already exists :param name: The name of the remote :param destination: The destination path of the remote ''' self._config.set('paths', name, destination) self._config.write('w')) @property def remotes(self): ''' Property to get a dictionary of remotes ''' return dict(self._config.items('paths'))
